Based on 8 People

Rates are subject to change without notice.

R4750per night
R4750per night
  • School Holidays excl December

R5000per night
R5000per night
  • December Pre Peak

R6900per night
R6900per night
  • December Peak

R4950per night
R4950per night
  • Weekends

R4250per night
R4250per night
  • Non-Holiday week Rate

R5500per night
R5500per night
  • Public Holiday Weekends

R199995 night
R199995 night
  • Non-Holiday Special Sunday - Friday

R149995 night
R149995 night
  • Non Holiday Pension Sunday - Friday



50% of the total to be paid on confirmation.
The 50% balance to be paid 7 days prior to arrival.
The breakage deposit will only be refunded after 7 days if all is in order.


Name of Account:  Mr J K M Taylor

Bank: Investec Bank Limited

Branch No: 58 01 05

Account Number: 10011175958







  1. Arrival and departure times are 14h00 and 10h00 respectively. Failure to leave on time will attract a penalty. Any changes to these times must be confirmed by owner in writing or by email.
  2. All bookings are based on the Completed Enquiry Form. If the number of guests exceeds 12 as stated in the Completed Enquiry Form the owner has the right to terminate and request the immediate departure of the guest or alternatively the extra guests will be added at an average room rate calculated on the average nightly booking rate. The discretion is up to the Owner aas to which option is approved.
  3. Any social gathering planned must be advised on the enquiry form or as soon as possible thereafter in writing or by email. Failure to do will result in the cancellation of the booking and forfeiture of the Refundable Deposit
  4. All items of furniture are to remain in the place that they are found. If moved there will be a relocation charge deducted from the deposit if not relocated back to the original position. Any attachments/picture and other forms of decoration are strictly forbidden. Any residual decorations etc will result in the forfeiture of the Refundable Deposit
  5. Please note the aircons are to be used at night and used prudently. Failure to adhere to this will attract a penalty of up to R500/day for the excessive and wasteful use of electricity. Leaving the air cons during the entire day while at the beach is not acceptable.
  6. Pets. Please request permission prior to arrival. Please clean up after your pets. Any damage to property by your pets you will be held responsible. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the Refundable Deposit.
  7. Cleaning. You will be charged a mandatory fee of R200/day for cleaning for the duration of your booking. Cleaning involves cleaning the outside entertainment area, lounge and kitchen, the beds will be made and the bathrooms and floors mopped and cleaned once daily.
  8. Appliances and DSTV etc will be in working order when you receive the house keys. In the case of it breaking or not working and a call out is made it will be for your cost if there is nothing wrong with them.
  9. Soap, bath towels and toilet paper will be provided by the owner. Please advise if these items need to be replenished. Please bring your own beach towels.
  10. There is a no smoking indoors rule. Failure to adhere to this may result will result in the forfeiture of the Refundable Deposit.
  11. A gate remote will be provided to you. If the gate remote is misplaced there will be a R500 deduction from your deposit. All keys are the responsibility of the guest. Any lost key will result in a R500 deduction per key from your deposit.
  12. Breakages of crockery. The cost of replacement will be deducted from your deposit. Any furniture, windows/doors or any other asset that is damaged by the guest the cost of which will be deducted from the deposit. Any shortfall the guest undertakes to make good the shortfall over and above the paid in deposit.
  13. The outdoor Umbrella s and cushions are to be brought down or brought undercover during periods of high wind or rain. Failing to do so and any resulting damage as a result thereof will be for the account of the guest.
  14. The Beach Gate is chained and locked, on leaving the premises to go to the beach, please ensure that the gate is closed and bolted shut for your own security. Any security breaches as a result of not locking this gate are for your account.
  15. The property is secured by way of external beams, cameras and armed response. It is the responsibility of the guests to ensure that the alarm systems are activated when going to bed at night. Any items misplaced/stolen is for the account of the guest and the owner takes no responsibility for these losses.
  16. If there is any form of illegal activity or malicious damage to property, a complaint will be made at the local SAP Charge Office by the owner and a CRIMINAL CASE opened for investigation.
  17. Double Bookings or Renovations.. If, in the extraordinary situation, a double booking or the property is being renovated for the duration of your booking. The full booking payment will be repaid plus a once off R500 surcharge will be payable to the guest whose booking was cancelled.
  18. Entry and residing at the Beach House the guest does so entirely at their own own risk. The owners will not accept responsibility for any incident/accident that may take place on the property that results in damage to.
  19. The repayment of the full or part of the deposit will occur within 10 days after taking the above into account. Please provide the owner with your correct banking details.
  20. Any damage/breakage to the beach house and its contents, the amounts will be deducted from the Refundable Breakage Fee. If there is a shortfall the outstanding amount will be sought from the guest to make good the shortfall.
  21. Terms of Payment and Cancellation Policy 50% confirms the booking. The balance nto be paid 7 days prior to arrival. More than 6 months 100% Refund, less than 6 months 50% Refund, and less than 3 months is 0% Refund of the deposit paid.